In this blog post we will discuss all ERP documents and how AI can be used to unlock such documents.
In many cases ERP documents are stored as attachments to transactions in the ERP system. You can find the PDF of an invoice with that invoice transaction or the proof of delivery in your receipting transaction. For ERP users it is the easy way to find documents when required. IF you need to reprint that invoice for the customer, or if you have dispute on what goods were delivered.
All easy for ERP users but what if you want to unburden your ERP users with a self service tool or with support of a call centre to support certain processes? Are you giving them access to your ERP system? Which means licensing, training, etc? or would it be better to use a different solution for this? And what if this solution can also be used for searching multiple documents?
This is exactly what our JDoxs platform offers.
With JDoxs all documents will be stored either in Microsoft Azure or AWS and will be linked with the related ERP transactions. For the ERP Users attachments can be viewed like before. Since the platform delivers multiple integrated viewers it is also more easy for ERP users to preview the documents.
For generic users based on security settings the user can search for documents. The user can use filtered search to search for documents based on date, date-range, classification, tag, user etc. But even better the user can use a chat engine to search for the required documents. It will be easy to find all Master Service Agreements with a certain clause or signed by a specific person etc. The use cases are unlimited.
If required the storage can also be used for non-erp documents. Documents stored in file shares or SharePoint currently where searching is always cumbersome can also be migrated to the document storage allowing you to search vast amounts of documents. Creating even more possibilities.
And if searching is not enough workflows can be added to monitor all kind of agreements on expiration dates etc. The good news is that you don’t have to add all meta data to a document manually. All documents will be indexed by the AI models so searching and finding will be very easy.
Interested to learn more about the JDOX platform? Contact us for a demo or to discuss your use cases.